An excursion through the Dutch Midlands


To many foreigners, The Netherlands is Amsterdam, Rotterdam, tulips and cheese. Admittedly, The Netherlands is all those things. It also is a lot more. In fact, the Netherlands is a very interesting little country if one is prepared to look a bit further. This simple drive on the N302 shows not only the geological diversity of the land, it is also living proof that the Dutch are megalomaniacs when it comes to water management.

In the first instalment of a series of interesting geographical and cultural-historic excursions through the Netherlands I take you from my hometown Enkhuizen to the concrete cathedral in the Dutch desert.


Click on a point on the map to read information about the area.
Google map permalink:


  1. Nescio, Het project Marker Wadden, Vereniging tot behoud van Natuurmonumenten in Nederland, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 15:17
  2. Nescio (2014), Zijn konijnen in de Flevopolder uitgezet, of daar zelf gekomen?, Quest, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 15:19
  3. Bosch, M. van den (2014/2016), Pingoruïne, Naturalis, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 15:24
  4. Straaten, R. van der (2014), Uddelermeer, Grondboor en Hamer, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 16:05
  5. Nescio, Romeins Marskamp, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 16:35
  6. Zwaan, G.J (2015), Voor in het contact met de Egmonden, Facebook 6 december 2015, resolved Tuesday 18-10-2016 at 17:23

Over hoentie

Docent, geograaf, sportman, schaker, schrijver, kaas, koffie, lezen, reizen, sauna's, jongleren, behoorlijk beroerd schaken, zelfverklaard sitcom expert, amateurkok, bon-vivant, nerd, kunst, HBO series, jonge hond.

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